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North Staffordshire National Trust Association

Autumn 2024


STOP PRESS: (updated 18/10/2024)
ISLE OF MAN HOLIDAY 2025: The good news is that more single rooms have been released, and there are still double and twin rooms available, on the 4 night, 5 day holiday in Douglas, IOM, in September next year. More participants will be very welcome. See the [IOM 2025 flyer] [Itinerary] [Booking form].
NEW VIC BACKSTAGE TOUR on 23rd October is fully booked but a further visit is proposed for Wednesday 30th. This is now confirmed and there are still some spaces available. Please forward application forms and cheques to John Pedrazzini if you have not already done so.
CHRISTMAS LUNCH Due to an administration malfunction last year's menu was used instead of this year's. The correct menu can be viewed [here]. If you have not yet booked for this prestigious event please download and use the [new booking form] in place of the one in the Newsletter. Alternatively, or to amend your choices if you have already booked, cut and paste [this] into [Christmas lunch email], complete and send to Phil Alcock, or else you can forward the email from Richard Adams to Phil with your menu choices.
NEWSLETTER 129 The autumn edition of the Newsletter was posted to members on Monday 5th August. A copy is available on the website. ERRATA p22 Quiz - item 2 should be HONES MOEPOSSUM: apologies for the misspelling.
PARKING FOR TALKS at the Conference Centre: You may have heard that parking charges have been introduced. To qualify for free parking you must enter your vehicle registration number at the entrance to the Institute or else face a penalty of £100.
PHOTOGRAPHS are up to date on this website for all events from 2021 to the end of 2023, and more are being added as events progress,and some earlier ones are available to an older format to be converted. These cover a wider range than are printed in the Newsletters, and to a much higher resolution. See A list of past visits and outings (Also accessible from the 'Archive' tab). Click on [Photos] where you see it against an event.
Chris Wain has kindly allowed access to his extensive selection of photos from some events - look for a [More Photos] button on a photo page header.
QUESTIONNAIRE The last Newsletter contained a questionaire that we would very much like all members to complete, seeking views on how we can best tailor our activities to match members preferences. Thank you for all those who have returned this - it is not too late if you have not already done so. If you can't find your printed form one is available on the Documents page for you to use as you wish, along with tips on completing PDF forms.
BOOKING FOR EVENTS please do not turn up unannounced at events - they may be fully booked and/or payment arrangements already made for a fixed number of admissions or refreshments etc. and you will (probably) be refused!
DOCUMENTS Useful documents for use by Event Organisers available on the 'Documents' button above.
TEA/COFFEE is available after the talks, now £2.00 including biscuits. Please bring exact money if you can.


  • Please note that it is advisable to book early since many excursions fill very quickly. You can check with the organiser if there are spaces before applying, or check on this website for notices of full trips.
  • Booking should be made using the forms contained in the most recent Newsletter.
  • Coach visits normally depart from Brunswick Terrace at the front of the Jubilee Baths in Newcastle-under-Lyme (see map)
  • Lectures normally start at 7:30 at the North Staffordshire Conference Centre, Stoke on Trent (see map)
  • Any enquiries to the outing organiser whose contact details are in the current Newsletter
  • For the descriptions and further details see the most recent Newsletter in Archives

    --- Date --- --- Event ---
    October: Tuesday 15th Talk: Shaun Farrelly: Keeping Off the Rocks - a brief history of British Lighthouses.
    October: Wednesday 23rd Behind the Scenes tour of the New Vic Theatre. Fully booked.
    October: Wednesday 30th Behind the Scenes tour of the New Vic Theatre, overflow visit.
    November: Tuesday 19th Talk: Dr. Peter Thomas: How can a tree live for 5,000 years?
    December: Wednesday 11th Christmas Lunch at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Festival Park.

    For past Newsletters and lists of meetings and events, see the Archive